Thursday, May 26, 2016

URI Online Judge Solution 1014 || Consumption

URI Online Judge | 1014


Adapted by Neilor Tonin, URI  Brazil
Timelimit: 1
Calculate a car's average consumption being provided the total distance traveled (in Km) and the spent fuel total (in liters).


The input file contains two values: one integer value representing the total distance (in Km) and the second one is a floating point number Y  representing the spent fuel total, with a digit after the decimal point.


Present a value that represents the average consumption of a car with 3 digits after the decimal point, followed by the message "km/l".
Input SampleOutput Sample
14.286 km/l
18.119 km/l
9.802 km/l

URI Online Judge Solution 1014 || Consumption in C language

int main()
    int X;
    float Y;
    scanf("%d %f", &X, &Y);
    printf("%.3f km/l\n", X / Y);
    return 0;

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