Thursday, May 26, 2016

URI Online Judge Solution 1016 || Distance

URI Online Judge | 1016


Adapted by Neilor Tonin, URI  Brazil
Timelimit: 1
Two cars (X and Y) leave in the same direction. The car X leaves with a constant speed of 60 km/h and the car Y leaves with a constant speed of 90 km / h.
In one hour (60 minutes) the car Y can get a distance of 30 kilometers from the X car, in other words, it can get away one kilometer for each 2 minutes.
Read the distance (in km) and calculate how long it takes (in minutes) for the car Y to take this distance in relation to the other car.


The input file contains 1 integer value.


Print the necessary time followed by the message " minutos" that means minutes in Portuguese.
Input SampleOutput Sample
3060 minutos
110220 minutos
714 minutos

URI Online Judge Solution 1016 || Distance in C language

int main(){
    int distance;
    scanf("%d", &distance);
    printf("%d minutos\n", (2 * distance));
    return 0;

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