Saturday, April 30, 2016

URI Online Judge Solution 1050 in C language || DDD

URI Online Judge | 1050


Adapted by Neilor Tonin, URI  Brazil
Timelimit: 1
Read an integer number that is the code number for phone dialing. Then, print the destination according to the following table:

If the input number isn’t found in the above table, the output must be:
DDD não cadastrado
That means “DDD not found” in Portuguese language.


The input consists in a unique integer number.


Print the city name corresponding to the input DDD. Print DDD nao cadastrado if doesn't exist corresponding DDD to the typed number.
Input SampleOutput Sample
11Sao Paulo

URI Online Judge Solution 1050 in C language || DDD

int main()
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
if( n ==61 ){
else if( n ==71 ){
else if( n ==11 ){
printf("Sao Paulo\n");
else if( n ==21 ){
printf("Rio de Janeiro\n");
else if( n ==32 ){
printf("Juiz de Fora\n");
else if( n ==19 ){
else if( n ==27 ){
else if( n ==31 ){
printf("Belo Horizonte\n");
else {
printf("DDD nao cadastrado\n");
return 0;

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